"would you be my friend for a while
would you please pretend that you don't lie
would you keep me warm if the sun won't shine
under the city light.
would you treat me right if I am kind
would you like me more if I can smile
would you set on tears if I start to cry
would you take me there last one more time
under light."
would you like me more if I can smile
would you set on tears if I start to cry
would you take me there last one more time
under light."
kısmından hareketle sözlerin tamamına ulaşabilirsiniz, şarkının kendisine ulaşabilirsiniz, şarkının klibine ulaşabilirsiniz ya da bu kadarıyla yetinip sayfadan çekip gidebilirsiniz. paşa gönlünüz nasıl isterse gerçekten aynen öyle olsun.